Antimicrobial Properties of Essential Oils in Foods

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Tervo, J. P., Jacobson, P. T., Vilarello, B. J., Saak, T. M., Caruana, F. F., Gallagher, L. W., Gary, J. B., Gudis, D. A., Joseph, P. V., Devanand, D. P., Goldberg, T. E., & Overdevest, J. B. (2024). Recovery rates of persistent post‐COVID‐19 olfactory dysfunction using psychophysical assessment: A longitudinal cohort study. World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 10(2), 79–87. Portico.
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Dilbar, S., Sher, H., Binjawhar, D. N., Ali, A., & Ali, I. (2023). A Novel Based Synthesis of Silver/Silver Chloride Nanoparticles from Stachys emodi Efficiently Controls Erwinia carotovora, the Causal Agent of Blackleg and Soft Rot of Potato. Molecules, 28(6), 2500.
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