Mother-Child Relations

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Hong, S. H., Hardi, F. A., Tillem, S., Goetschius, L. G., Brooks-Gunn, J., McLoyd, V., Lopez-Duran, N. L., Mitchell, C., Hyde, L. W., & Monk, C. S. (2024). Mother–child closeness and adolescent structural neural networks: a prospective longitudinal study of low-income families. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 19(1).
Publication Date
Mueller, I., Snidman, N., DiCorcia, J. A., & Tronick, E. (2024). Infants show negative changes in affect and physiology when re‐experiencing a stressor, its context, and a positive event 24‐h later. Infancy, 30(1). Portico.
Publication Date
Markowitz, E. S., Maier, M. C., Ludwig, R. J., Austin, J., Maybach, A. M., Jaffe, M. E., & Welch, M. G. (2023). Qualitative insights from a randomized clinical trial of a mother–child emotional preparation program for preschool-aged children. BMC Psychology, 11(1).
Publication Date
Yrjölä, P., Myers, M. M., Welch, M. G., Stevenson, N. J., Tokariev, A., & Vanhatalo, S. (2022). Facilitating early parent-infant emotional connection improves cortical networks in preterm infants. Science Translational Medicine, 14(664).
Publication Date
Welch, M. G., Grieve, P. G., Stark, R. I., Isler, J. R., Ludwig, R. J., Hane, A. A., Gong, A., Darilek, U., Austin, J., & Myers, M. M. (2022). Family nurture intervention increases term age forebrain EEG activity: A multicenter replication trial. Clinical Neurophysiology, 138, 52–60.
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