
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3CSV
Bellutti, L., Macaisne, N., El Mossadeq, L., Ganeswaran, T., Canman, J. C., & Dumont, J. (2024). Regulation of outer kinetochore assembly during meiosis I and II by CENP-A and KNL-2/M18BP1 in C. elegans oocytes. Current Biology, 34(21), 4853-4868.e6.
Publication Date
Gaspary, A., Laureau, R., Dyatel, A., Dursuk, G., Simon, Y., & Berchowitz, L. E. (2023). Rie1 and Sgn1 form an RNA-binding complex that enforces the meiotic entry cell fate decision. Journal of Cell Biology, 222(11).
Publication Date
Raina, V. B., Schoot Uiterkamp, M., & Vader, G. (2023). Checkpoint control in meiotic prophase: Idiosyncratic demands require unique characteristics. Meiosis in Development and Disease, 281–315.
Publication Date