Accidents, Traffic

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Gerhard, R., Gabbe, B. J., Cameron, P., Newstead, S., Morrison, C. N., Clarke, N., & Beck, B. (2025). A scoping review on the methods used to assess health-related quality of life and disability burden in evaluations of road safety interventions. Journal of Safety Research, 92, 459–472.
Publication Date
Lilley, R., Davie, G., Dicker, B., Reid, P., Ameratunga, S., Branas, C., Campbell, N., Civil, I., & Kool, B. (2024). Rural and Ethnic Disparities in Out-of-hospital Care and Transport Pathways After Road Traffic Trauma in New Zealand. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 25(4).
Publication Date
Liang, Z., Chihuri, S., Andrews, H. F., Betz, M. E., DiGuiseppi, C., Eby, D. W., Hill, L. L., Jones, V., Mielenz, T. J., Molnar, L. J., Strogatz, D., & Li, G. (2023). Interaction between benzodiazepines and prescription opioids on incidence of hard braking events in older drivers. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 71(12), 3744–3754. Portico.
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