Neutrophilic Dermatoses and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

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McKay, G. E., Coromilas, A., Liu, L., Shaw, K. S., Murphy, M., Punyamurthy, N., Soltero, K. M. S., Damsky, W., Wanat, K. A., Charrow, A. P., Rosenbach, M., Caplan, A., LaSenna, C. E., Arkin, L., & Shields, B. E. (2025). Interleukin‐12/23 and Interleukin‐23 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Cutaneous Crohn’s Disease: A Case Series From a Multi‐Institutional Registry. JEADV Clinical Practice. Portico.
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Gordon, E. R., Chen, C., Adeuyan, O., Lapolla, B. A., Trager, M. H., Schreidah, C. M., Fahmy, L. M., & Geskin, L. J. (2024). Experiences of patients with cutaneous manifestations of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS): Insights from the first disease‐specific support group. JEADV Clinical Practice. Portico.
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Panganiban, R. P., Tuan, A., Hart, M., Pelton, M., Mikhail, D., Akhtar, S., Bogale, K., Deiling, S., Zhou, S., Coates, M. D., Yochum, G. S., & Koltun, W. (2023). Pyoderma Gangrenosum Is Associated With Increased Risk of Inflammatory Pouch-Related Complications: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Crohn’s & Colitis 360, 5(3).
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Maniar, R., Gallitano, S. M., Husain, S., Moazami, G., Weiss, M. J., & Shu, C. A. (2023). Unusual Adverse Events in a Patient With BRAF-Mutated Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With BRAF/MEK Inhibition. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 21(3), 232–234.
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