Sezary Syndrome

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Goyal, A., O’Leary, D., Dabaja, B., Weng, W.-K., Zain, J., Cutler, C., Guitart, J., Kim, Y. H., Geskin, L. J., Hoppe, R. T., Wilson, L. D., Beaven, A. W., Horwitz, S., Allen, P. B., Barta, S. K., Bohjanen, K., Brammer, J. E., Carter, J. B., Comfere, N., … Foss, F. (2024). ASTCT and USCLC Clinical Practice Recommendations for Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant in Mycosis Fungoides and Sézary Syndrome. Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, 30(11), 1047–1060.
Publication Date
Vadivel, C. K., Willerslev-Olsen, A., Namini, M. R. J., Zeng, Z., Yan, L., Danielsen, M., Gluud, M., Pallesen, E. M. H., Wojewoda, K., Osmancevic, A., Hedebo, S., Chang, Y.-T., Lindahl, L. M., Koralov, S. B., Geskin, L. J., Bates, S. E., Iversen, L., Litman, T., Bech, R., … Buus, T. B. (2024). Staphylococcus aureus induces drug resistance in cancer T cells in Sézary syndrome. Blood, 143(15), 1496–1512.
Publication Date
Gaydosik, A. M., Stonesifer, C. J., Khaleel, A. E., Geskin, L. J., & Fuschiotti, P. (2022). Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Unveils the Clonal and Transcriptional Landscape of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphomas. Clinical Cancer Research, 28(12), 2610–2622.
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