Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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Panebianco, V., Briganti, A., Efstathiou, J., Galgano, S., Luk, L., Muglia, V. F., Redd, B., de Rooij, M., Takeuchi, M., Woo, S., Witjes, J. A., & Vargas, H. A. (2024). The Role of Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Vesical Imaging-Reporting and Data System (VI-RADS) in the Management of Patients with Bladder Cancer: Vision of the American College of Radiology VI-RADS Steering Committee. European Urology, 86(6), 485–487.
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Mao, L., Li, Y., Cui, B., Lu, L., Dou, W., Pylypenko, D., Zhu, J., & Li, H. (2024). Multiparametric MRI for Staging of Bowel Inflammatory Activity in Crohn’s Disease with MUSE-IVIM and DCE-MRI: A Preliminary Study. Academic Radiology, 31(3), 880–888.
Publication Date
Li, W., Partridge, S. C., Newitt, D. C., Steingrimsson, J., Marques, H. S., Bolan, P. J., Hirano, M., Bearce, B. A., Kalpathy-Cramer, J., Boss, M. A., Teng, X., Zhang, J., Cai, J., Kontos, D., Cohen, E. A., Mankowski, W. C., Liu, M., Ha, R., Pellicer-Valero, O. J., … Hylton, N. M. (2024). Breast Multiparametric MRI for Prediction of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response in Breast Cancer: The BMMR2 Challenge. Radiology: Imaging Cancer, 6(1).
Publication Date
El Homsi, M., Bane, O., Fauveau, V., Hectors, S., Vietti Violi, N., Sylla, P., Ko, H.-B., Cuevas, J., Carbonell, G., Nehlsen, A., Vanguri, R., Viswanath, S., Jambawalikar, S., Shaish, H., & Taouli, B. (2023). Prediction of locally advanced rectal cancer response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy using volumetric multiparametric MRI-based radiomics. Abdominal Radiology, 49(3), 791–800.
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