Space Flight

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Grigorev, K., Nelson, T. M., Overbey, E. G., Houerbi, N., Kim, J., Najjar, D., Damle, N., Afshin, E. E., Ryon, K. A., Thierry-Mieg, J., Thierry-Mieg, D., Melnick, A. M., Mateus, J., & Mason, C. E. (2024). Direct RNA sequencing of astronaut blood reveals spaceflight-associated m6A increases and hematopoietic transcriptional responses. Nature Communications, 15(1).
Publication Date
McDonald, J. T., Kim, J., Farmerie, L., Johnson, M. L., Trovao, N. S., Arif, S., Siew, K., Tsoy, S., Bram, Y., Park, J., Overbey, E., Ryon, K., Haltom, J., Singh, U., Enguita, F. J., Zaksas, V., Guarnieri, J. W., Topper, M., Wallace, D. C., … Beheshti, A. (2024). Space radiation damage rescued by inhibition of key spaceflight associated miRNAs. Nature Communications, 15(1).
Publication Date
Bokhari, R. S., Beheshti, A., Blutt, S. E., Bowles, D. E., Brenner, D., Britton, R., Bronk, L., Cao, X., Chatterjee, A., Clay, D. E., Courtney, C., Fox, D. T., Gaber, M. W., Gerecht, S., Grabham, P., Grosshans, D., Guan, F., Jezuit, E. A., Kirsch, D. G., … Donoviel, D. (2022). Looking on the horizon; potential and unique approaches to developing radiation countermeasures for deep space travel. Life Sciences in Space Research, 35, 105–112.
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