Impact of Pharmaceutical Industry Sponsorship on Research

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Alam, M., Shi, V. J., Maisel-Campbell, A., Cressey, B. D., Nadir, U., Koza, E., Haq, M., Ahmed, A., Ma, M. S., Weil, A., Cahn, B. A., Lee, A. Y., Shapiro, S., & Poon, E. (2024). US FDA Advisory Panel Members’ Assessment of Premarket Approval Process and Suggestions for Improvement. JAMA Network Open, 7(10), e2436066.
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Maisel-Campbell, A., Schlessinger, D. I., Yanes, A. F., Veledar, E., Reynolds, K. A., Ibrahim, S. A., Kang, B. Y., Anvery, N., Poon, E., & Alam, M. (2022). Voting behavior during FDA Medical Device Advisory Committee panel meetings. PLOS ONE, 17(6), e0267134.
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Bryan, A., Mobley, C., Moran, A., Derington, C., Zhang, Y., Rodgers, A., Shea, S., & Bellows, B. (2022). EE310 Cost-Effectiveness of Initiating Antihypertensive Therapy with Single-Pill Combinations Versus Monotherapy in US Adults. Value in Health, 25(7), S394.
Publication Date
Avram, R., So, D., Iturriaga, E., Byrne, J., Lennon, R., Murthy, V., Geller, N., Goodman, S., Rihal, C., Rosenberg, Y., Bailey, K., Farkouh, M., Bell, M., Cagin, C., Chavez, I., El-Hajjar, M., Ginete, W., Lerman, A., Levisay, J., … Pereira, N. (2022). Patient Onboarding and Engagement to Build a Digital Study After Enrollment in a Clinical Trial (TAILOR-PCI Digital Study): Intervention Study. JMIR Formative Research, 6(6), e34080.
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