Assessment of the implementation context in preparation for a clinical study of machine-learning algorithms to automate the classification of digital cervical images for cervical cancer screening in resource-constrained settings

Castor, D., Saidu, R., Boa, R., Mbatani, N., Mutsvangwa, T. E. M., Moodley, J., Denny, L., & Kuhn, L. (2022). Assessment of the implementation context in preparation for a clinical study of machine-learning algorithms to automate the classification of digital cervical images for cervical cancer screening in resource-constrained settings. Frontiers in Health Services, 2.
Delivette Castor
Rakiya Saidu
Rosalind Boa
Nomonde Mbatani
Tinashe Mutsvangwa
Jennifer Moodley
Lynette Denny
Louise Kuhn
Affiliated Authors:
Delivette Castor
Louise Kuhn
Author Keywords:
digital cervical-cancer screening implementation assessment cervical cancer
implementation science
automated visual evaluation
cervical cancer
cfir framework
automated visual evaluation of the cervix
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