Preschool-based mother-child emotional preparation program improves emotional connection, behavior regulation in the home and classroom: a randomized controlled trial

Welch, M. G., Ludwig, R. J., Hane, A. A., Austin, J., Markowitz, E. S., Jaffe, M. E., & Myers, M. M. (2023). Preschool-based mother-child emotional preparation program improves emotional connection, behavior regulation in the home and classroom: a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2.
Martha G. Welch
Robert J. Ludwig
Amie Ashley Hane
Judy Austin
Malia Maier
Marc G. Jaffe
Michael M. Myers
Affiliated Authors:
Martha G. Welch
Robert J. Ludwig
Amie Ashley Hane
Judy Austin
Malia Maier
Michael M. Myers
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