Cortical lobar volume reductions associated with homocysteine-related subcortical brain atrophy and poorer cognition in healthy aging

Song, H., Bharadwaj, P. K., Raichlen, D. A., Habeck, C. G., Grilli, M. D., Huentelman, M. J., Hishaw, G. A., Trouard, T. P., & Alexander, G. E. (2024). Cortical lobar volume reductions associated with homocysteine-related subcortical brain atrophy and poorer cognition in healthy aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 16.
Hyun Song
Pradyumna K. Bharadwaj
Matthew D. Grilli
Gene E. Alexander
Matthew J. Huentelman
Theodore P. Trouard
David A. Raichlen
Christian G. Habeck
Georg A. Hishaw
Affiliated Authors:
Christian G. Habeck
Author Keywords:
cognitive aging
vascular risk
scaled subprofile model
white matter hyperintensity
gray matter atrophy
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Data Source:
Web of Science

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