A Digital Sexual Health Intervention for Urban Adolescent and Young Adult Male Emergency Department Patients: User-Centered Design Approach

Chernick, L. S., Bugaighis, M., Daylor, V., Hochster, D., Rosen, E., Schnall, R., Stockwell, M. S., & Bell, D. L. (2024). A Digital Sexual Health Intervention for Urban Adolescent and Young Adult Male Emergency Department Patients: User-Centered Design Approach. JMIR Formative Research, 8, e55815. https://doi.org/10.2196/55815
Lauren S Chernick
Mona Bugaighis
Victoria Daylor
Daniel Hochster
Evan Rosen
Rebecca Schnall
Melissa S Stockwell
David L Bell
Affiliated Authors:
Lauren S Chernick
Mona Bugaighis
Victoria Daylor
Daniel Hochster
Rebecca Schnall
Melissa S Stockwell
David L Bell
Author Keywords:
sms text messaging
adolescent health
condom use
emergency medicine
health planning
mobile app
sex education
sexual behavior
sexual health
user-centered design
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