GWAS in Mice Maps Susceptibility to HIV-Associated Nephropathy to the Ssbp2 Locus

Steers, N. J., Gupta, Y., D’Agati, V. D., Lim, T. Y., DeMaria, N., Mo, A., Liang, J., Stevens, K. O., Ahram, D. F., Lam, W. Y., Gagea, M., Nagarajan, L., Sanna-Cherchi, S., & Gharavi, A. G. (2022). GWAS in Mice Maps Susceptibility to HIV-Associated Nephropathy to the Ssbp2 Locus. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 33(1), 108–120.
Nicholas J. Steers
Yask Gupta
Vivette D. D’Agati
Tze Y. Lim
Natalia DeMaria
Anna Mo
Judy Liang
Kelsey O. Stevens
Dina F. Ahram
Wan Yee Lam
Mihai Gagea
Lalitha Nagarajan
Simone Sanna-Cherchi
Ali G. Gharavi
Affiliated Authors:
Nicholas J. Steers
Yask Gupta
Vivette D. D’Agati
Tze Y. Lim
Natalia DeMaria
Anna Mo
Judy Liang
Kelsey O. Stevens
Dina F. Ahram
Wan Yee Lam
Simone Sanna-Cherchi
Ali G. Gharavi
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