Exploiting three-dimensional human hepatic constructs to investigate the impact of rs174537 on fatty acid metabolism

Kirk, L. M., Waits, C. M. K., Bashore, A. C., Dosso, B., Meyers, A. K., Renaldo, A. C., DePalma, T. J., Simms, K. N., Hauser, N., Chuang Key, C.-C., McCall, C. E., Parks, J. S., Sergeant, S., Langefeld, C. D., Skardal, A., & Rahbar, E. (2022). Exploiting three-dimensional human hepatic constructs to investigate the impact of rs174537 on fatty acid metabolism. PLOS ONE, 17(1), e0262173. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0262173
L Madison Kirk
Charlotte Mae K Waits
Alexander C Bashore
Beverly Dosso
Allison K Meyers
Antonio C Renaldo
Thomas J DePalma
Kelli N Simms
Nathaniel Hauser
Chia-Chi Chuang Key
Charles E McCall
John S Parks
Susan Sergeant
Carl D Langefeld
Aleksander Skardal
Elaheh Rahbar
Affiliated Authors:
Alexander C Bashore
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