Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors Associated With Clinical Outcome in Neuroinfectious Diseases: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study

Boubour, A., Kim, C. Y., Torres, S., Jia, D. T., Hess, E., Liu, S., Sun, Y., Fong, K., Epstein, S., Yan, H., Luche, N., Gao, K., Glassberg, B., Harmon, M., Hoang, H., Navis, A., Schorr, E., Gofshteyn, J. S., Yeshokumar, A. K., & Thakur, K. T. (2024). Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors Associated With Clinical Outcome in Neuroinfectious Diseases: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study. The Neurohospitalist, 14(4), 396–405.
Alexandra Boubour
Carla Y. Kim
Sarah Torres
Dan T. Jia
Evan Hess
Kathryn Fong
Samantha Epstein
Kiran T. Thakur
Sibei Liu
Yifei Sun
Helena Yan
Nicole Luche
Kerry Gao
Hai Hoang
Jacqueline S. Gofshteyn
Brittany Glassberg
Michael Harmon
Allison Navis
Emily Schorr
Anusha K. Yeshokumar
Affiliated Authors:
Alexandra Boubour
Carla Y. Kim
Sarah Torres
Dan T. Jia
Evan Hess
Kathryn Fong
Samantha Epstein
Kiran T. Thakur
Sibei Liu
Yifei Sun
Author Keywords:
central nervous system bacterial infections
central nervous system infections
central nervous system viral diseases
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Data Source:
Web of Science

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