Single-cell profiling of sarcomas from archival tissue reveals programs associated with resistance to immune checkpoint blockade

Luthria, K., Shah, P., Caldwell, B., Melms, J. C., Abuzaid, S., Jakubikova, V., Brodtman, D. Z., Bose, S., Amin, A. D., Ho, P., Biermann, J., Tagore, S., Ingham, M., Schwartz, G. K., & Izar, B. (2024). Single-cell profiling of sarcomas from archival tissue reveals programs associated with resistance to immune checkpoint blockade. Clinical Cancer Research.
Karan Luthria
Parin Shah
Blake Caldwell
Johannes C Melms
Sinan Abuzaid
Viktoria Jakubikova
D Zack Brodtman
Sminu Bose
Amit Dipak Amin
Patricia Ho
Jana Biermann
Somnath Tagore
Matthew Ingham
Gary K Schwartz
Benjamin Izar
Affiliated Authors:
Karan Luthria
Parin Shah
Blake Caldwell
Johannes C Melms
Sinan Abuzaid
Viktoria Jakubikova
D Zack Brodtman
Amit Dipak Amin
Patricia Ho
Matthew Ingham
Benjamin Izar
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