930. COVID-19 symptom and viral load rebound among individuals reporting nirmatrelvir/ritonavir use compared to propensity score matched individuals not taking COVID-19 treatment

Smith-Jeffcoat, S. E., Biddle, J. E., Talbot, H. K., Olivo, V., Sano, E., Goodman, S. H., Petrie, J., Ledezma, K. I., Bullock, A., Rao, S., Mellis, A., Johnson, S., Kirking, H. L., Rolfes, M. A., Zhu, Y., Schmitz, J., Hart, K. W., Battan-Wraith, S., Merrill, L. S., … Salvatore, P. P. (2023). 930. COVID-19 symptom and viral load rebound among individuals reporting nirmatrelvir/ritonavir use compared to propensity score matched individuals not taking COVID-19 treatment. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 10(Supplement_2). https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofad500.975
Sarah E. Smith-Jeffcoat
Jessica E Biddle
H. Keipp Talbot
Vanessa Olivo
Ellen Sano
Sara Goodman
Joshua G. Petrie
Karla I Ledezma
Ayla Bullock
Suchitra Rao
Alexandra M. Mellis
Sheroi Johnson
Hannah L. Kirking
Melissa A. Rolfes
Yuwei Zhu
Jonathan E. Schmitz
Kimberly W. Hart
Steph Battan-Wraith
Lori Merrill
Son H. McLaren
Celibell Vargas
Clea Sarnquist
Prasanthi Govindaranjan
Edward A. Belongia
Kathleen Pryor
Karen Lutrick
Amy Yang
Quenla Haehnel
Edwin J. Asturias
Natalie M. Bowman
Katherine Ellingson
Huong Q. McLean
Yvonne Maldonado
Melissa S. Stockwell
Kerry Grace Morrissey
Carlos G. Grijalva
Phillip P. Salvatore
Affiliated Authors:
Ellen Sano
Son H. McLaren
Celibell Vargas
Melissa S. Stockwell
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