400. Predictors of Post-COVID Conditions after SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Adults Enrolled in a Multistate Household Transmission Study

Floris-Moore, M., Stockwell, M., Grijalva, C. G., Keipp Talbot, H., Mellis, A., Smith-Jeffcoat, S. E., Rolfes, M. A., Saydah, S., Biddle, J. E., Lin, J. T., Schmitz, J., Chappell, J., Hart, K. W., McLaren, S. H., Sano, E., Saiman, L., Maldonado, Y. A., Ellingson, K., Lutrick, K., … Bowman, N. M. (2023). 400. Predictors of Post-COVID Conditions after SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Adults Enrolled in a Multistate Household Transmission Study. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 10(Supplement_2). https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofad500.470
Michelle Floris-Moore
Melissa S. Stockwell
Carlos G. Grijalva
H. Keipp Talbot
Alexandra M. Mellis
Sarah E. Smith-Jeffcoat
Melissa A. Rolfes
Sharon Saydah
Jessica E Biddle
Jessica T. Lin
Jonathan E. Schmitz
James D. Chappell
Kimberly W. Hart
Son H. McLaren
Ellen Sano
Lisa Saiman
Yvonne Maldonado
Katherine Ellingson
Karen Lutrick
Huong Q. McLean
Edward A. Belongia
Zoe Martin del campo
Ayla Bullock
Suchitra Rao
Edwin J. Asturias
Natalie M. Bowman
Affiliated Authors:
Melissa S. Stockwell
Son H. McLaren
Ellen Sano
Lisa Saiman
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