Classification of missense variants in the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor GRIN gene family as gain- or loss-of-function

Myers, S. J., Yuan, H., Perszyk, R. E., Zhang, J., Kim, S., Nocilla, K. A., Allen, J. P., Bain, J. M., Lemke, J. R., Lal, D., Benke, T. A., & Traynelis, S. F. (2023). Classification of missense variants in the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor GRIN gene family as gain- or loss-of-function. Human Molecular Genetics, 32(19), 2857–2871.
Scott J. Myers
Hongjie Yuan
Riley E. Perszyk
Jing Zhang
Sukhan Kim
Kelsey A. Nocilla
James P. Allen
Jennifer M. Bain
Johannes R. Lemke
Dennis Lal
Timothy A. Benke
Stephen F. Traynelis
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Jennifer M. Bain
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