Symptoms, Viral Loads, and Rebound Among COVID-19 Outpatients Treated With Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir Compared With Propensity Score-Matched Untreated Individuals

Smith-Jeffcoat, S. E., Biddle, J. E., Talbot, H. K., Morrissey, K. G., Stockwell, M. S., Maldonado, Y., McLean, H. Q., Ellingson, K. D., Bowman, N. M., Asturias, E., Mellis, A. M., Johnson, S., Kirking, H. L., Rolfes, M. A. R., Olivo, V., Merrill, L., Battan-Wraith, S., Sano, E., McLaren, S. H., … Salvatore, P. P. (2023). Symptoms, Viral Loads, and Rebound Among COVID-19 Outpatients Treated With Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir Compared With Propensity Score–Matched Untreated Individuals. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 78(5), 1175–1184.
Sarah E Smith-Jeffcoat
Jessica E Biddle
H Keipp Talbot
Kerry Grace Morrissey
Melissa S Stockwell
Yvonne Maldonado
Huong Q McLean
Katherine D Ellingson
Natalie M Bowman
Edwin Asturias
Alexandra M Mellis
Sheroi Johnson
Hannah L Kirking
Melissa A R Rolfes
Vanessa Olivo
Lori Merrill
Steph Battan-Wraith
Ellen Sano
Son H McLaren
Celibell Y Vargas
Sara Goodman
Clea C Sarnquist
Prasanthi Govindaranjan
Joshua G Petrie
Edward A Belongia
Karla Ledezma
Kathleen Pryor
Karen Lutrick
Ayla Bullock
Amy Yang
Quenla Haehnel
Suchitra Rao
Yuwei Zhu
Jonathan Schmitz
Kimberly Hart
Carlos G Grijalva
Phillip P Salvatore
Affiliated Authors:
Melissa S Stockwell
Ellen Sano
Son H McLaren
Celibell Y Vargas
Author Keywords:
antiviral treatment
viral loads
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