Cognitive and emotional factors related to COVID-19 among high-risk ethnically diverse adults at the onset of the New York City outbreak: A cross-sectional survey

Kukafka, R., Millery, M., Pan, S., Silverman, T. B., Zhang, T., McGuinness, J. E., Crew, K. D., & Aguirre, A. N. (2023). Cognitive and emotional factors related to COVID-19 among high-risk ethnically diverse adults at the onset of the New York City outbreak: A cross-sectional survey. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1).
Rita Kukafka
Mari Millery
Samuel Pan
Thomas B. Silverman
Tianmai Zhang
Julia E. McGuinness
Katherine D. Crew
Alejandra N. Aguirre
Affiliated Authors:
Rita Kukafka
Mari Millery
Samuel Pan
Thomas B. Silverman
Tianmai Zhang
Julia E. McGuinness
Katherine D. Crew
Alejandra N. Aguirre
Author Keywords:
health humanities
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