Challenges and recommendations for the translation of biomarkers of aging

Herzog, C. M. S., Goeminne, L. J. E., Poganik, J. R., Barzilai, N., Belsky, D. W., Betts-LaCroix, J., Chen, B. H., Chen, M., Cohen, A. A., Cummings, S. R., Fedichev, P. O., Ferrucci, L., Fleming, A., Fortney, K., Furman, D., Gorbunova, V., Higgins-Chen, A., Hood, L., … Gladyshev, V. N. (2024). Challenges and recommendations for the translation of biomarkers of aging. Nature Aging, 4(10), 1372–1383.
Chiara M S Herzog
Ludger J E Goeminne
Jesse R Poganik
Nir Barzilai
Daniel W Belsky
Joe Betts-LaCroix
Brian H Chen
Michelle Chen
Alan A Cohen
Steven R Cummings
Peter O Fedichev
Luigi Ferrucci
Alexander Fleming
Kristen Fortney
David Furman
Vera Gorbunova
Albert Higgins-Chen
Lee Hood
Steve Horvath
Jamie N Justice
Douglas P Kiel
George A Kuchel
Jessica Lasky-Su
Nathan K LeBrasseur
Andrea B Maier
Birgit Schilling
Vittorio Sebastiano
P Eline Slagboom
Michael P Snyder
Eric Verdin
Martin Widschwendter
Alex Zhavoronkov
Mahdi Moqri
Vadim N Gladyshev
Affiliated Authors:
Daniel W Belsky
Alan A Cohen
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