Staphylococcus aureus adapts to exploit collagen-derived proline during chronic infection

Urso, A., Monk, I. R., Cheng, Y.-T., Predella, C., Wong Fok Lung, T., Theiller, E. M., Boylan, J., Perelman, S., Baskota, S. U., Moustafa, A. M., Lohia, G., Lewis, I. A., Howden, B. P., Stinear, T. P., Dorrello, N. V., Torres, V., & Prince, A. S. (2024). Staphylococcus aureus adapts to exploit collagen-derived proline during chronic infection. Nature Microbiology, 9(10), 2506–2521.
Andreacarola Urso
Ying-Tsun Cheng
Alice S. Prince
Tania Wong Fok Lung
Jack Boylan
Gaurav Lohia
Camilla Predella
Nicolino V. Dorrello
Ian R. Monk
Benjamin P. Howden
Timothy P. Stinear
Erin M. Theiller
Ahmed M. Moustafa
Sofya Perelman
Victor Torres
Swikrity U. Baskota
Ian A. Lewis
Affiliated Authors:
Andreacarola Urso
Ying-Tsun Cheng
Alice S. Prince
Tania Wong Fok Lung
Jack Boylan
Gaurav Lohia
Camilla Predella
Nicolino V. Dorrello
Swikrity U. Baskota
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Web of Science

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