Mu opioid receptors on hippocampal GABAergic interneurons are critical for the antidepressant effects of tianeptine

Han, J., Andreu, V., Langreck, C., Pekarskaya, E. A., Grinnell, S. G., Allain, F., Magalong, V., Pintar, J., Kieffer, B. L., Harris, A. Z., Javitch, J. A., Hen, R., & Nautiyal, K. M. (2021). Mu opioid receptors on hippocampal GABAergic interneurons are critical for the antidepressant effects of tianeptine. Neuropsychopharmacology, 47(7), 1387–1397.
Jaena Han
Valentine Andreu
Cory Langreck
Elizabeth A. Pekarskaya
Steven G. Grinnell
Florence Allain
Valerie Magalong
John Pintar
Brigitte L. Kieffer
Alexander Z. Harris
Jonathan A. Javitch
René Hen
Katherine M. Nautiyal
Affiliated Authors:
Jaena Han
Valentine Andreu
Cory Langreck
Elizabeth A. Pekarskaya
Steven G. Grinnell
Valerie Magalong
Alexander Z. Harris
Jonathan A. Javitch
René Hen
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