Genetic Interleukin-6 Receptor Variant Is Not Associated With Rejection and Mortality After Heart Transplantation

AMANCHERLA, K., SCHLENDORF, K. H., VLASSCHAERT, C., LOWERY, B. D., WELLS, Q. S., SEE, S. B., ZORN, E., COLOMBO, P. C., REILLY, M. P., LINDENFELD, J., URIEL, N., SHAH, R. V., FREEDMAN, J. E., MOSLEHI, J., BICK, A. G., & CLERKIN, K. (2024). Genetic Interleukin-6 Receptor Variant Is Not Associated With Rejection and Mortality After Heart Transplantation. Journal of Cardiac Failure, 30(6), 848–852.
Kaushik Amancherla
Kelly H Schlendorf
Caitlyn Vlasschaert
Brandon D Lowery
Quinn S Wells
Sarah B See
Emmanuel Zorn
Paolo C Colombo
Muredach P Reilly
Joann Lindenfeld
Nir Uriel
Ravi V Shah
Jane E Freedman
Javid Moslehi
Alex G Bick
Kevin Clerkin
Affiliated Authors:
Sarah B See
Emmanuel Zorn
Paolo C Colombo
Muredach P Reilly
Nir Uriel
Kevin Clerkin
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