Association of plasma neurofilament light chain with microstructural white matter changes in Down syndrome

Rosas, H. D., Mercaldo, N. D., Hasimoglu, Y., Petersen, M., Lewis, L. R., Lai, F., Powell, D., Dhungana, A., Demir, A., Keater, D., Yassa, M., Brickman, A. M., & O’Bryant, S. (2024). Association of plasma neurofilament light chain with microstructural white matter changes in Down syndrome. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 16(4). Portico.
Herminia Diana Rosas
Nathaniel David Mercaldo
Yasemin Hasimoglu
Melissa Petersen
Lydia R Lewis
Florence Lai
David Powell
Asim Dhungana
Ali Demir
David Keater
Michael Yassa
Adam M Brickman
Sid O'Bryant
Affiliated Authors:
Adam M Brickman
Author Keywords:
alzheimer's disease
diffusion weighted imaging
down syndrome
white matter microstructural integrity
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