The Role of Education on Brain Pathology and Cognitive Decline in the Language Domain Across Women and Men in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Sample

Kim, M. H., Ying, G., Morin, B. T., Olvera, A. G., Gibbons, L. E., Scollard, P., Lee, M. L., Klinedinst, B. S., Nakano, C., Mez, J., Crane, P. K., & Choi, S. (2024). The Role of Education on Brain Pathology and Cognitive Decline in the Language Domain Across Women and Men in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Sample. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 20(S8). Portico.
Min Hee Kim
Gelan Ying
Brittany Morin
Alice Gavarrete Olvera
Laura E. Gibbons
Phoebe Scollard
Michael L. Lee
Brandon S. Klinedinst
Connie Nakano
Jesse Mez
Paul K. Crane
Seo‐Eun Choi
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Alice Gavarrete Olvera
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