COVID-19 Pandemic as a Change Agent in the Structure and Practice of Statistical Consulting Centers

Lee, S., Bagiella, E., Vaughan, R., Govindarajulu, U., Christos, P., Esserman, D., Zhong, H., & Kim, M. (2022). COVID-19 Pandemic as a Change Agent in the Structure and Practice of Statistical Consulting Centers. The American Statistician, 76(2), 152–158.
Shing Lee
Emilia Bagiella
Usha Govindarajulu
Roger Vaughan
Paul Christos
Denise Esserman
Hua Zhong
Mimi Kim
Affiliated Authors:
Shing Lee
Author Keywords:
biostatistical collaboration
statistical consulting centers
statistical practice
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Data Source:
Web of Science

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