Colorectal Disease

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Eberhardson, M., Myrelid, P., Söderling, J. K., Ekbom, A., Everhov, Å. H., Hedin, C. R. H., Neovius, M., Ludvigsson, J. F., & Olén, O. (2022). Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors in Crohn’s disease and the effect on surgery rates. Colorectal Disease, 24(4), 470–483. Portico.
Publication Date
Reif de Paula, T., Gorroochurn, P., Simon, H. L., Haas, E. M., & Keller, D. S. (2021). A national evaluation of the use and survival impact of adjuvant chemotherapy in Stage II colon cancer from the national cancer database. Colorectal Disease, 24(1), 40–49. Portico.
Publication Date