Clinical genomic profiling in the management of patients with soft tissue and bone sarcoma

Gounder, M. M., Agaram, N. P., Trabucco, S. E., Robinson, V., Ferraro, R. A., Millis, S. Z., Krishnan, A., Lee, J., Attia, S., Abida, W., Drilon, A., Chi, P., Angelo, S. P. D., Dickson, M. A., Keohan, M. L., Kelly, C. M., Agulnik, M., Chawla, S. P., Choy, E., … Jin, D. X. (2022). Clinical genomic profiling in the management of patients with soft tissue and bone sarcoma. Nature Communications, 13(1).
Mrinal M. Gounder
Narasimhan P. Agaram
Sally E. Trabucco
Victoria Robinson
Richard Ferraro
Sherri Z. Millis
Anita Krishnan
Jessica Lee
Steven Attia
Wassim Abida
Alexander Drilon
Ping Chi
Sandra P. D’ Angelo
Mark A. Dickson
Mary Lou Keohan
Ciara M. Kelly
Mark Agulnik
Sant P. Chawla
Edwin Choy
Rashmi Chugh
Christian F. Meyer
Parvathi A. Myer
Jessica L. Moore
Ross A. Okimoto
Raphael E. Pollock
Vinod Ravi
Arun S. Singh
Neeta Somaiah
Andrew J. Wagner
John H. Healey
Garrett M. Frampton
Jeffrey M. Venstrom
Jeffrey S. Ross
Marc Ladanyi
Samuel Singer
Murray F. Brennan
Gary K. Schwartz
Alexander J. Lazar
David M. Thomas
Robert G. Maki
William D. Tap
Siraj M. Ali
Dexter X. Jin
Affiliated Authors:
Gary K. Schwartz
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