Postprandial Metabolite Profiles and Risk of Prediabetes in Young People: A Longitudinal Multicohort Study

Goodrich, J. A., Wang, H., Walker, D. I., Lin, X., Hu, X., Alderete, T. L., Chen, Z., Valvi, D., Baumert, B. O., Rock, S., Berhane, K., Gilliland, F. D., Goran, M. I., Jones, D. P., Conti, D. V., & Chatzi, L. (2023). Postprandial Metabolite Profiles and Risk of Prediabetes in Young People: A Longitudinal Multicohort Study. Diabetes Care, 47(1), 151–159.
Jesse A. Goodrich
Hongxu Wang
Zhanghua Chen
Brittney O. Baumert
Sarah Rock
Frank D. Gilliland
David V. Conti
Leda Chatzi
Douglas I. Walker
Xiangping Lin
Damaskini Valvi
Xin Hu
Dean P. Jones
Tanya L. Alderete
Kiros Berhane
Michael I. Goran
Affiliated Authors:
Kiros Berhane
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Web of Science

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