Exploring the lived experience of renal cachexia for individuals with end-stage renal disease and the interrelated experience of their carers: Study protocol

Blair, C., Shields, J., Mullan, R., Johnston, W., Davenport, A., Fouque, D., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Maxwell, P., McKeaveney, C., Noble, H., Porter, S., Seres, D., Slee, A., Swaine, I., Witham, M., & Reid, J. (2022). Exploring the lived experience of renal cachexia for individuals with end-stage renal disease and the interrelated experience of their carers: Study protocol. PLOS ONE, 17(11), e0277241. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277241
Carolyn Blair
Joanne Shields
Robert Mullan
William Johnston
Andrew Davenport
Denis Fouque
Kamyar Kalantar‐Zadeh
Peter Sleight
Clare McKeaveney
Helen Noble
Sam Porter
David S. Seres
Adrian Slee
Ian Swaine
Miles D. Witham
Joanne Reid
Affiliated Authors:
David S. Seres
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