Inborn Errors of Immunity Contribute to the Burden of Skin Disease and Create Opportunities for Improving the Practice of Dermatology

Colvin, A., Youssef, S., Noh, H., Wright, J., Jumonville, G., LaRow Brown, K., Tatonetti, N. P., Milner, J. D., Weng, C., Bordone, L. A., & Petukhova, L. (2024). Inborn Errors of Immunity Contribute to the Burden of Skin Disease and Create Opportunities for Improving the Practice of Dermatology. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 144(2), 307-315.e1.
Annelise Colvin
Soundos Youssef
Heeju Noh
Julia Wright
Ghislaine Jumonville
Kathleen LaRow Brown
Nicholas P Tatonetti
Joshua D Milner
Chunhua Weng
Lindsey A Bordone
Lynn Petukhova
Affiliated Authors:
Annelise Colvin
Heeju Noh
Julia Wright
Ghislaine Jumonville
Kathleen LaRow Brown
Nicholas P Tatonetti
Joshua D Milner
Chunhua Weng
Lindsey A Bordone
Lynn Petukhova
Dermatology (MeSH)
Skin Diseases (MeSH)
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