Stable iron (58Fe) isotopic measurements in Kenyan toddlers during 3 months of iron supplementation demonstrate that half of the iron absorbed is lost

Giorgetti, A., Nyilima, S., Stoffel, N. U., Moretti, D., Mwasi, E., Karanja, S., Zeder, C., Speich, C., Netland, C., Jin, Z., Zimmermann, M. B., & Brittenham, G. M. (2024). Stable iron (58Fe) isotopic measurements in Kenyan toddlers during 3 months of iron supplementation demonstrate that half of the iron absorbed is lost. British Journal of Haematology, 204(5), 2057–2065. Portico.
Ambra Giorgetti
Suzane Nyilima
Nicole U Stoffel
Diego Moretti
Edith Mwasi
Simon Karanja
Christophe Zeder
Cornelia Speich
Catalina Netland
Zhezhen Jin
Michael B Zimmermann
Gary M Brittenham
Affiliated Authors:
Zhezhen Jin
Gary M Brittenham
Iron Isotopes (MeSH)
Iron (MeSH)
Author Keywords:
iron absorption
iron deficiency
iron losses
iron supplementation
stable iron isotope
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