Baseline Clinical Factors Are Associated With Risk of Complications in Crohn's Disease: Appraisal of the American Gastroenterological Association Clinical Care Pathway

Santiago, P., Coelho-Prabhu, N., Lennon, R., Rui, S., Rajauria, P., Friton, J., Raffals, L. E., Deepali, F., Daoud, N., Farraye, F. A., Tuck, J., Malik, T., Leleiko, N. S., Shapiro, J., Shah, S. A., Sands, B. E., & Ungaro, R. C. (2023). Baseline Clinical Factors Are Associated With Risk of Complications in Crohn’s Disease: Appraisal of the American Gastroenterological Association Clinical Care Pathway. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 119(1), 147–154.
Priscila Santiago
Nayantara Coelho-Prabhu
Ryan Lennon
Shumin Rui
Palak Rajauria
Jessica Friton
Laura E Raffals
Fnu Deepali
Nader Daoud
Francis A Farraye
Jaclyn Tuck
Talha Malik
Neal S Leleiko
Jason Shapiro
Samir A Shah
Bruce E Sands
Ryan C Ungaro
Affiliated Authors:
Neal S Leleiko
Author Keywords:
crohn's disease
clinical predictors
crohn’s disease
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