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Plaza, J. A., & Gru, A. A. (2025). Primary cutaneous sarcomatoid squamous cell carcinoma: a comprehensive clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study focusing on diagnostic pitfalls. Histopathology, 10.1111/his.15437. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/his.15437
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Columbia Affiliation
Xu, Y., Gru, A. A., Brenn, T., & Wiedemeyer, K. (2024). BRCA1‐associated‐protein‐1 inactivated melanocytic tumours: characterisation of the clinicopathological spectrum and immunohistochemical expression pattern of preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma. Histopathology. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1111/his.15318
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Columbia Affiliation
Tepp, J. A., Remotti, F., Szabolcs, M. J., & Saqi, A. (2024). Histological characterisation of pulmonary monkeypox virus infection in a patient with AIDS. Histopathology, 85(1), 193–195. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1111/his.15164
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Columbia Affiliation
Savari, O., Febres‐Aldana, C., Chang, J. C., Fanaroff, R. E., Ventura, K., Bodd, F., Paik, P., Vundavalli, M., Saqi, A., Askin, F. B., Travis, W. D., & Rekhtman, N. (2022). Non‐small cell lung carcinomas with diffuse coexpression of TTF1 and p40: clinicopathological and genomic features of 14 rare biphenotypic tumours. Histopathology, 82(2), 242–253. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1111/his.14801
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Columbia Affiliation