European Spine Journal
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Diebo, B. G., Balmaceno-Criss, M., Lafage, R., Singh, M., Daher, M., Hamilton, D. K., Smith, J. S., Eastlack, R. K., Fessler, R., Gum, J. L., Gupta, M. C., Hostin, R., Kebaish, K. M., Kim, H. J., Klineberg, E. O., Lewis, S., Line, B. G., Nunley, P. D., … Mundis, G. M. (2025). Iatrogenic posterior translation of the construct at the uppermost instrumented vertebrae is associated with proximal junctional kyphosis. European Spine Journal.
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Columbia Affiliation
Cerpa, M., Zuckerman, S. L., Lenke, L. G., Carreon, L. Y., Cheung, K. M. C., Kelly, M. P., Fehlings, M. G., Ames, C. P., Boachie-Adjei, O., Dekutoski, M. B., Kebaish, K. M., Lewis, S. J., Matsuyama, Y., Pellisé, F., Qiu, Y., Schwab, F. J., Smith, J. S., & Shaffrey, C. I. (2025). Long-term follow-up of non‑neurologic and neurologic complications after complex adult spinal deformity surgery: results from the Scoli-RISK-1 study. European Spine Journal.
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Dionne, A. C., Lenke, L. G., Hassan, F. M., Nnake, C., Blanchard, S., Reyes, J. L., Miller, R., Lombardi, J. M., & Sardar, Z. M. (2024). Adolescent vs. Young Adult Idiopathic Scoliosis patients: how different are their two year postoperative radiographic and clinical outcomes? European Spine Journal.
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Columbia Affiliation
Diebo, B. G., Singh, M., Balmaceno-Criss, M., Daher, M., Lenke, L. G., Ames, C. P., Burton, D. C., Lewis, S. M., Klineberg, E. O., Lafage, R., Eastlack, R. K., Gupta, M. C., Mundis, G. M., Gum, J. L., Hamilton, K. D., Hostin, R., Passias, P. G., Protopsaltis, T. S., … Kebaish, K. M. (2024). Defining modern iatrogenic flatback syndrome: examination of segmental lordosis in short lumbar fusion patients undergoing thoracolumbar deformity correction. European Spine Journal, 33(12), 4627–4635.
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Lafage, R., Mota, F., Khalifé, M., Protopsaltis, T., Passias, P. G., Kim, H.-J., Line, B., Elysée, J., Mundis, G., Shaffrey, C. I., Ames, C. P., Klineberg, E. O., Gupta, M. C., Burton, D. C., Lenke, L. G., Bess, S., Smith, J. S., Schwab, F. J., & Lafage, V. (2024). Mechanisms of lumbar spine “flattening” in adult spinal deformity: defining changes in shape that occur relative to a normative population. European Spine Journal.
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Columbia Affiliation
Redaelli, A., Stephan, S. R., & Riew, K. D. (2024). Is neck pain treatable with surgery? European Spine Journal, 33(3), 1137–1147.
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Jo, J., Lakomkin, N., Zuckerman, S. L., Chanbour, H., & Riew, K. D. (2023). The incidence of reoperation for pseudarthrosis after cervical spine surgery. European Spine Journal, 33(3), 1275–1282.
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Columbia Affiliation
Yuan, N., Hu, G., Bridwell, K. H., Koester, L. A., & Lenke, L. G. (2023). How to determine the optimal proximal fusion level for Scheuermann kyphosis. European Spine Journal, 33(3), 1021–1027.
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Columbia Affiliation
Mohanty, S., Hassan, F. M., Platt, A., Stephan, S., Lewerenz, E., Lombardi, J. M., Sardar, Z. M., Lehman, R. A., & Lenke, L. G. (2023). Adult spinal deformity patients revised for pseudarthrosis have comparable two-year outcomes to those not undergoing any revision surgery. European Spine Journal, 32(10), 3681–3690.
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Columbia Affiliation
Liawrungrueang, W., Riew, K. D., Sugandhavesa, N., & Bunmaprasert, T. (2022). Atlas (C1) lateral mass screw placement using the intersection between lateral mass and inferomedial edge of the posterior arch: a cadaveric study. European Spine Journal, 31(12), 3443–3451.
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Cho, W., Lenke, L. G., Bridwell, K. H., Nessim, A., Dorward, I. G., Zebala, L. P., Pahys, J. M., Cho, S. K., Kang, M. M., & Koester, L. A. (2022). Geometric analysis of pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO) for Kyphosis correction: anterior lengthening may occur at the osteotomized body as well as at the discs above and below. European Spine Journal, 31(9), 2415–2422.
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Columbia Affiliation
Guiroy, A., de Andrada-Pereira, B., Camino-Willhuber, G., Berjano, P., Lamartina, C., Buckland, A. J., Gagliardi, M., Khajavi, K., Turner, J. D., Thomas, J. A., Menezes, C., Lehman, R., Uribe, J., & Asghar, J. (2022). Setting for single position surgery: survey from expert spinal surgeons. European Spine Journal, 31(9), 2239–2247.
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Bourret, S., Cerpa, M., Kelly, M. P., Hasegawa, K., Hey, H. W. D., Wong, H.-K., Liu, G., Sardar, Z. M., Riahi, H., Lenke, L. G., & Le Huec, J. C. (2022). Correlation analysis of the PI-LL mismatch according to the pelvic incidence from a database of 468 asymptomatic volunteers. European Spine Journal, 31(6), 1413–1420.
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Columbia Affiliation
Hasegawa, K., Hatsushikano, S., Le Huec, J.-C., Sardar, Z., Wong, H.-K., Hey, H. W. D., Liu, G., Bourret, S., Kelly, M., Riahi, H., Chelli-Bouaziz, M., & Lenke, L. G. (2022). Pelvic thickness, sex, ethnicity, and age affect pelvic incidence in healthy volunteers of Multi-Ethnic Alignment Normative Study (MEANS) database. European Spine Journal, 31(6), 1421–1430.
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Fields, M., Lee, N. J., McCormick, K., Park, P. J., Boddapati, V., Cerpa, M., Kim, J. S., Sardar, Z. M., & Lenke, L. G. (2022). A national analysis on complications and readmissions for adult cerebral palsy patients undergoing primary spinal fusion surgery. European Spine Journal, 31(3), 718–725.
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Negrini, S., Aulisa, A. G., Cerny, P., de Mauroy, J. C., McAviney, J., Mills, A., Donzelli, S., Grivas, T. B., Hresko, M. T., Kotwicki, T., Labelle, H., Marcotte, L., Matthews, M., O’Brien, J., Parent, E. C., Price, N., Manuel, R., Stikeleather, L., Vitale, M. G., … Smith, B. G. (2022). The classification of scoliosis braces developed by SOSORT with SRS, ISPO, and POSNA and approved by ESPRM. European Spine Journal, 31(4), 980–989.
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Pham, M. H., Shah, V. J., Diaz-Aguilar, L. D., Osorio, J. A., & Lehman, R. A. (2021). Minimally invasive multiple-rod constructs with robotics planning in adult spinal deformity surgery: a case series. European Spine Journal, 31(1), 95–103.
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