Mechanisms of lumbar spine "flattening" in adult spinal deformity: defining changes in shape that occur relative to a normative population

Lafage, R., Mota, F., Khalifé, M., Protopsaltis, T., Passias, P. G., Kim, H.-J., Line, B., Elysée, J., Mundis, G., Shaffrey, C. I., Ames, C. P., Klineberg, E. O., Gupta, M. C., Burton, D. C., Lenke, L. G., Bess, S., Smith, J. S., Schwab, F. J., & Lafage, V. (2024). Mechanisms of lumbar spine “flattening” in adult spinal deformity: defining changes in shape that occur relative to a normative population. European Spine Journal.
Renaud Lafage
Frank Mota
Marc Khalifé
Themistocles Protopsaltis
Peter G Passias
Han-Jo Kim
Breton Line
Jonathan Elysée
Gregory Mundis
Christopher I Shaffrey
Christopher P Ames
Eric O Klineberg
Munish C Gupta
Douglas C Burton
Lawrence G Lenke
Shay Bess
Justin S Smith
Frank J Schwab
Virginie Lafage
Affiliated Authors:
Lawrence G Lenke
Author Keywords:
adult spinal deformity
flat back
lumbar lordosis
spinal shape
vertebral pelvic angle
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