Advanced Genetics
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Estrella, E., Rockowitz, S., Thorne, M., Smith, P., Petit, J., Zehnder, V., Yu, R. N., Bauer, S., Berde, C., Agrawal, P. B., Beggs, A. H., Gharavi, A. G., Kunkel, L., & Brownstein, C. A. (2022). Mendelian Disorders in an Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome Cohort. Advanced Genetics, 4(1). Portico.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Levy, G., Levin, B., & Engelhardt, E. (2022). Advancing the Genetics of Lewy Body Disorders with Disease‐Modifying Treatments in Mind. Advanced Genetics, 3(4). Portico.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation