Critical Care Explorations

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Murray, B., Athale, J., Balk, R. A., Behal, M. L., Brown, J. E., Chanas, T., Dumitru, R., Gifford, D. C., Hohlfelder, B., Jones, H. M., Makic, M. B. F., Rausen, M. S., Sacco, A. J., Sines, B. J., & Gurnani, P. K. (2024). Major Publications in the Critical Care Pharmacotherapy Literature: 2023. Critical Care Explorations, 6(10), e1162.
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Columbia Affiliation
Kelly, M. S., Mohammed, A., Okin, D., Alba, G. A., Jesudasen, S. J., Flanagan, S., Dandawate, N. A., Gavralidis, A., Chang, L. L., Moin, E. E., Witkin, A. S., Hibbert, K. A., Kadar, A., Gordan, P. L., Bebell, L. M., Hauptman, M., Valeri, L., & Lai, P. S. (2023). Preferred Language Mediates Association Between Race, Ethnicity, and Delayed Presentation in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19. Critical Care Explorations, 5(6), e0927.
Publication Date
Barshied, C. B., & Russell, C. (2023). Satisfaction, Stress, and Turnover: Comparing U.S. Intensivist Physicians Before and During the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Pandemic. Critical Care Explorations, 5(3), e0883.
Publication Date
Hsing, D. D., Stock, A. C., Greenwald, B. M., Bacha, E. A., Flynn, P. A., Carroll, S. J., Dayton, J. D., Prockop, S. E., Qiu, Y., Almeida, D., Tamura, S., & Hajjar, K. A. (2023). Annexin A2 Loss After Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Development of Acute Postoperative Respiratory Dysfunction in Children. Critical Care Explorations, 5(2), e0862.
Publication Date
Greenwald, A. S., Hauw-Berlemont, C., Shan, M., Wang, S., Yip, N., Kurlansky, P., Argenziano, M., Bennett, B., Langone, D., & Moitra, V. (2022). The Spillover Effects of Quality Improvement Beyond Target Populations in Mechanical Ventilation. Critical Care Explorations, 4(11), e0802.
Publication Date
Murphy, C. G., Nishikawa, M. S., Char, S. T., Nemeth, S. K., Parekh, M., Bulman, W. A., Wu, C., Neuberg, G. W., Louh, I. K., Schluger, N. W., Prager, K. M., Fischkoff, K. N., & Burkart, K. M. (2022). In COVID-19 Patients Who Suffer In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Outcomes May Be Impacted by Arrest Etiology and Local Pandemic Conditions. Critical Care Explorations, 4(2), e0605.
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