BMC Pediatrics
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Tarun, S., Mellis, I. A., Kilic, A., Green, D. A., Tokiwa, M., Berry, G. J., Wu, F., & Shah, S. S. (2024). Incidental identification of neonatal babesiosis: a case report. BMC Pediatrics, 24(1).
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Columbia Affiliation
Rayport, Y. K., Morales, S., Shuffrey, L. C., Hockett, C. W., Ziegler, K., Rao, S., Fifer, W. P., Elliott, A. J., & Sania, A. (2024). Prenatal risk factors for child executive function at 3–5 years of age: the roles of maternal mood, substance use, and socioeconomic adversity in a prospective cohort study. BMC Pediatrics, 24(1).
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Columbia Affiliation
Nabavizadeh, S. S., Mootz, J. J., Nadjmi, N., Massenburg, B. B., Khoshnood, K., Shojaeefard, E., & Vardanjani, H. M. (2024). Gender inequality and burden of orofacial clefts in the Eastern Mediterranean region: findings from global burden of disease study 1990–2019. BMC Pediatrics, 24(1).
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Nagaraj, C. B., Brightman, D. S., Rea, H., Wakefield, E., Harkavy, N. V. G., Dyer, L., & Zhang, W. (2024). Detection of a novel gross deletion in the UNC13D gene ends the diagnostic odyssey for a family with familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 3. BMC Pediatrics, 24(1).
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Johansson, K., Norström, F., Green, P. H. R., Ivarsson, A., Richter Sundberg, L., Själander, A., & Myleus, A. (2022). Celiac disease and upper secondary school achievement in Sweden A retrospective cohort study. BMC Pediatrics, 22(1).
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Banerjee, P. N., McFadden, K. E., Shannon, J. D., & Davidson, L. L. (2022). Does breastfeeding account for the association between maternal sensitivity and infant cognitive development in a large, nationally representative cohort? BMC Pediatrics, 22(1).
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