Journal of Glaucoma
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Wang, Q., Valenzuela, I. A., Harizman, N., Gorroochurn, P., Torres, D. R., Maruri, S. C., Diamond, D. F., Horowitz, J. D., Friedman, D. S., De Moraes, C. G., Cioffi, G. A., Liebmann, J. M., & Hark, L. A. (2024). Glaucoma Screening and Referral Risk Factors in a High-Risk Population: Follow-up Study of the Manhattan Vision Screening Study (NYC-SIGHT). Journal of Glaucoma.
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Columbia Affiliation
Guedes, J., Amaral, D. C., de Oliveira Caneca, K., Cassins Aguiar, E. H., de Oliveira, L. N., Mora-Paez, D. J., Cyrino, L. G., Louzada, R. N., Moster, M. R., Myers, J. S., Schuman, J. S., Shukla, A. G., & Shalaby, W. S. (2024). Kahook Dual Blade Goniotomy versus iStent Implantation Combined with Phacoemulsification: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Glaucoma.
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Columbia Affiliation
Shukla, A. G., Cioffi, G. A., & Liebmann, J. M. (2024). Drug-Induced Liver Injury During a Glaucoma Neuroprotection Clinical Trial. Journal of Glaucoma, 33(8), e58–e59.
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Columbia Affiliation
Shukla, A. G., & Cioffi, G. A. (2024). Glaucoma Screening in the Primary Care Setting: Practical and Innovative Approaches. Journal of Glaucoma, 33(8S), S71–S74.
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Columbia Affiliation
Newman-Casey, P. A., Hark, L. A., Lu, M.-C., Nghiem, V. T. H., Swain, T., McGwin, G., Sapru, S., Girkin, C., & Owsley, C. (2024). Social Determinants of Health and Glaucoma Screening and Detection in the SIGHT Studies. Journal of Glaucoma, 33(8S), S60–S65.
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Columbia Affiliation
Chang, C.-C. J., Liu, B., Liebmann, J. M., Cioffi, G. A., & Winn, B. J. (2024). Glaucoma and the Human Microbiome. Journal of Glaucoma.
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Columbia Affiliation
Sun, A. J., Gomide, G., Tsamis, E., Mao, G., Leshno, A., La Bruna, S., Liebmann, J. M., De Moraes, G., & Hood, D. C. (2024). Understanding Patterns of Preserved Retinal Ganglion Cell Layer in Advanced Glaucoma as seen with OCT. Journal of Glaucoma.
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Columbia Affiliation
Leshno, A., Li, J. X., De Moraes, C. G., Harizman, N., Wang, Q., Garg Shukla, A., Cioffi, G. A., & Liebmann, J. M. (2023). Identifying Rapid Glaucoma Progression Using Hemifield Rates of Progression. Journal of Glaucoma, 33(1), 47–50.
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Columbia Affiliation
Leshno, A., De Moraes, C. G., Tsamis, E., La Bruna, S., Cioffi, G. A., Liebmann, J. M., & Hood, D. C. (2023). Glaucoma Detection Using Optical Coherence Tomography: Reviewing the Pitfalls of Comparison to Normative Data. Journal of Glaucoma, 33(2), 65–77.
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Columbia Affiliation
Melchior, B., De Moraes, C. G., Paula, J. S., Cioffi, G. A., Gordon, M. O., Kass, M. A., & Liebmann, J. M. (2023). What is the Optimal Frequency of Visual Field Testing to Detect Rapid Progression Among Hypertensive Eyes? Journal of Glaucoma, 32(9), 721–724.
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Columbia Affiliation
Wu, J.-H., Moghimi, S., Nishida, T., Kamalipour, A., Liebmann, J. M., Fazio, M., Girkin, C. A., Zangwill, L. M., & Weinreb, R. N. (2023). Association Between Longitudinal 10-2 Central Visual Field Change and the Risk of Visual Acuity Loss in Mild-to-Moderate Glaucoma. Journal of Glaucoma, 32(7), 549–555.
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Columbia Affiliation
Sohail, M., Hirji, S. H., Liebmann, J. M., Glass, L. D., & Blumberg, D. M. (2023). Remote Contrast Sensitivity Testing Seems to Correlate With the Degree of Glaucomatous Macular Damage. Journal of Glaucoma, 32(6), 533–539.
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Columbia Affiliation
Ma, J. X., Chuang, A. Z., Feldman, R. M., Mansberger, S. L., Tanna, A. P., Blieden, L. S., Shoham, D., Bell, N. P., Gross, R. L., Pasquale, L. R., Greenfield, D. S., Liebmann, J. M., & Weinreb, R. N. (2023). Direct Costs of Second Aqueous Shunt Implant Versus Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation (The Assists Trial). Journal of Glaucoma, 32(3), 145–150.
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Newman-Casey, P. A., Hark, L. A., & Rhodes, L. A. (2022). It Is Time to Rethink Adult Glaucoma Screening Recommendations. Journal of Glaucoma, 32(2), 69–71.
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Columbia Affiliation
Melchior, B., De Moraes, C. G., Paula, J. S., Cioffi, G. A., Girkin, C. A., Fazio, M. A., Weinreb, R. N., Zangwill, L. M., & Liebmann, J. M. (2022). Frequency of Optical Coherence Tomography Testing to Detect Progression in Glaucoma. Journal of Glaucoma, 31(11), 854–859.
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Mahmoudinezhad, G., Nishida, T., Weinreb, R. N., Baxter, S. L., Walker, E., Eslani, M., Liebmann, J. M., Girkin, C. A., & Moghimi, S. (2022). Smoking Cessation May Reduce Risk of Visual Field Progression in Heavy Smokers. Journal of Glaucoma, 31(10), 796–803.
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Columbia Affiliation
Feldman, R. M., Chuang, A. Z., Mansberger, S. L., Tanna, A. P., Blieden, L. S., Bell, N. P., Gross, R. L., Pasquale, L. R., Greenfield, D. S., Liebmann, J. M., & Weinreb, R. N. (2022). Outcomes of the Second Aqueous Shunt Implant Versus Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation Treatment Study: A Randomized Comparative Trial. Journal of Glaucoma, 31(9), 701–709.
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Zemborain, Z. Z., Tsamis, E., La Bruna, S., Leshno, A., De Moraes, C. G., Ritch, R., & Hood, D. C. (2022). Distinguishing Healthy From Glaucomatous Eyes With Optical Coherence Tomography Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile. Journal of Glaucoma, 31(7), 529–539.
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Columbia Affiliation
Liebmann, J. M., Hood, D. C., de Moraes, C. G., Blumberg, D. M., Harizman, N., Kresch, Y. S., Tsamis, E., & Cioffi, G. A. (2022). Rationale and Development of an OCT-Based Method for Detection of Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy. Journal of Glaucoma, 31(6), 375–381.
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Columbia Affiliation
Chang, A. Y., Tsamis, E., Blumberg, D. M., Al-Aswad, L. A., Cioffi, G. A., Hood, D. C., Liebmann, J. M., & De Moraes, C. G. (2022). The Role of Intraocular Pressure and Systemic Hypertension in the Progression of Glaucomatous Damage to the Macula. Journal of Glaucoma, 31(5), 317–321.
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