Health Education

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Nguyen, A.-M. N., Camozzi, M., & Sommer, M. (2025). Impacts of a puberty and period education intervention among 9- to 12-year-old girls in the New York metropolitan area: a randomized trial. BMC Public Health, 25(1).
Publication Date
Grant-Alfieri, A., Burke, K., Zeinomar, N., Delgado, M.-L., & Terry, M. B. (2022). Cancer Education Interventions in Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Scope and Content. Health Education & Behavior, 49(6), 993–1003.
Publication Date
Nwanaji-Enwerem, O., Baccarelli, A. A., Curwin, B. D., Zota, A. R., & Nwanaji-Enwerem, J. C. (2022). Environmentally Just Futures: A Collection of Community-Driven African Environmental Education and Improvement Initiatives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6622.
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