Ventilator Weaning

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Burns, K. E. A., Wong, J., Rizvi, L., Lafreniere-Roula, M., Thorpe, K., Devlin, J. W., Cook, D. J., Seely, A., Dodek, P. M., Tanios, M., Piraino, T., Gouskos, A., Kiedrowski, K. C., Kay, P., Mitchell, S., Merner, G. W., Mayette, M., D’Aragon, F., Lamontagne, F., … Deeley, M. (2024). Frequency of Screening and Spontaneous Breathing Trial Techniques. JAMA, 332(21), 1808.
Publication Date
Burns, K. E. A., Lafrienier-Roula, M., Hill, N. S., Cook, D. J., Seely, A. J. E., Rochwerg, B., Mayette, M., D’Aragon, F., Devlin, J. W., Dodek, P., Tanios, M., Gouskos, A., Turgeon, A. F., Aslanian, P., Sia, Y. T., Beitler, J. R., Hyzy, R., Criner, G. J., … Kassis, E. B. (2023). Frequency of screening and SBT Technique Trial—North American Weaning Collaboration (FAST-NAWC): an update to the protocol and statistical analysis plan. Trials, 24(1).
Publication Date