Peripheral Vascular Diseases

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Tsapepas, D. S., King, K., Husain, S. A., Yu, M. E., Hippen, B. E., Schold, J. D., & Mohan, S. (2023). UNOS Decisions Impact Data Integrity of the OPTN Data Registry. Transplantation, 107(12), e348–e354.
Publication Date
Hawkins, B. M., Li, J., Wilkins, L. R., Carman, T. L., Reed, A. B., Armstrong, D. G., Goodney, P., White, C. J., Fischman, A., Schermerhorn, M. L., Feldman, D. N., Parikh, S. A., & Shishehbor, M. H. (2022). SCAI/ACR/APMA/SCVS/SIR/SVM/SVS/VESS position statement on competencies for endovascular specialists providing CLTI care. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 76(1), 25–34.
Publication Date
Hawkins, B. M., Li, J., Wilkins, L. R., Carman, T. L., Reed, A. B., Armstrong, D. G., Goodney, P., White, C. J., Fischman, A., Schermerhorn, M. L., Feldman, D. N., Parikh, S. A., & Shishehbor, M. H. (2022). SCAI/ACR/APMA/SCVS/SIR/SVM/SVS/VESS Position Statement on Competencies for Endovascular Specialists Providing CLTI Care. Vascular Medicine, 27(4), 405–414.
Publication Date