Pelvic Organ Prolapse

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Deshpande, R. R., Foy, O. B., Mandelbaum, R. S., Roman, L. D., Dancz, C. E., Wright, J. D., & Matsuo, K. (2023). Reconstructive Surgery at Hysterectomy for Patients With Uterine Prolapse and Gynecologic Malignancy. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 142(6), 1487–1490.
Publication Date
Ferrando, C. A., Bradley, C. S., Meyn, L. A., Brown, H. W., Moalli, P. A., Heisler, C. A., Murarka, S. M., Foster, R. T., Chung, D. E., Whitcomb, E. L., Gutman, R. E., Andy, U. U., Shippey, S. H., Anger, J., & Yurteri-Kaplan, L. A. (2023). Twelve Month Outcomes of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery in Patients With Uterovaginal or Posthysterectomy Vaginal Prolapse Enrolled in the Multicenter Pelvic Floor Disorders Registry. Urogynecology, 29(10), 787–799.
Publication Date
Lozo, S., Chill, H. H., Botros, C., Goldberg, R. P., & Gafni-Kane, A. (2023). Long term surgical outcomes of vaginal colposuspension using the Uphold Lite™ mesh system vs. vaginal vault uterosacral ligament suspension for treatment of apical prolapse. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 280, 150–153.
Publication Date
Yurteri-Kaplan, L. A., Meyn, L., Moalli, P. A., Bradley, C. S., Foster, R. T., Andy, U. U., Guaderrama, N., Gutman, R. E., Anger, J. T., Hull, A., Propst, K., Shippey, S. S., & Brown, H. W. (2022). Outcomes of Pessary Use at 1 Year in Women Treated for Pelvic Organ Prolapse in a Large Multicenter Registry. Urogynecology, 28(12), 800–810.
Publication Date
Chi, N., Lozo, S., Rathnayake, R. A. C., Botros-Brey, S., Ma, Y., Damaser, M., & Wang, R. R. (2022). Distinctive structure, composition and biomechanics of collagen fibrils in vaginal wall connective tissues associated with pelvic organ prolapse. Acta Biomaterialia, 152, 335–344.
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Kahn, B., Varner, R. E., Murphy, M., Sand, P., Thomas, S., Lipetskaia, L., Chung, D. E., Mahdy, A., & Noblett, K. (2022). Transvaginal Mesh Compared With Native Tissue Repair for Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 139(6), 975–985.
Publication Date
Robinson, D., Prodigalidad, L. T., Chan, S., Serati, M., Lozo, S., Lowder, J., Ghetti, C., Hullfish, K., Hagen, S., & Dumoulin, C. (2022). International Urogynaecology Consultation chapter 1 committee 4: patients’ perception of disease burden of pelvic organ prolapse. International Urogynecology Journal, 33(2), 189–210.
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