Craniocerebral Trauma

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Filip, P., Chiang, H., Goldberg, A., Khorsandi, A. S., Moonis, G., Moody Antonio, S. A., Wanna, G., & Cosetti, M. (2024). Challenges in the Management of Symptomatic Fallopian Canal Meningoceles: A Multicenter Case Series and Literature Review. Otology & Neurotology, 45(4), 434–439.
Publication Date
Tsze, D. S., Kuppermann, N., Casper, T. C., Barney, B. J., Richer, L. P., Liberman, D. B., Okada, P. J., Morris, C. R., Myers, S. R., Soung, J. K., Mistry, R. D., Babcock, L., Spencer, S. P., Johnson, M. D., Klein, E. J., Quayle, K. S., Steele, D. W., Cruz, A. T., Rogers, A. J., … Dayan, P. S. (2023). Stratification of risk for emergent intracranial abnormalities in children with headaches: a Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) study protocol. BMJ Open, 13(11), e079040.
Publication Date
Popkin, C. A., Morrissette, C. R., Fortney, T. A., McCormick, K. L., Gorroochurn, P., & Stuart, M. J. (2023). Fighting and Penalty Minutes Associated With Long-term Mortality Among National Hockey League Players, 1967 to 2022. JAMA Network Open, 6(5), e2311308.
Publication Date
Lee, L. K., Flaherty, M. R., Blanchard, A. M., & Agarwal, M. (2022). Helmet Use in Preventing Head Injuries in Bicycling, Snow Sports, and Other Recreational Activities and Sports. Pediatrics, 150(3).
Publication Date
Lee, L. K., Flaherty, M. R., Blanchard, A. M., & Agarwal, M. (2022). Helmet Use in Preventing Head Injuries in Bicycling, Snow Sports, and Other Recreational Activities and Sports. Pediatrics, 150(3).
Publication Date
Stanbouly, D., Stanbouly, R., Lee, K. C., & Ferguson, B. (2021). Be careful where you aim: craniomaxillofacial trauma from the utility of metal hammers. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 26(3), 423–429.
Publication Date
Stanbouly, D., Takshyn, A., Stanbouly, R., Ratliff, J., & Giannakopoulos, H. (2022). When disaster strikes in the ring: a 20-year study of head and neck injuries secondary to boxing. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 60(6), 755–760.
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Columbia Affiliation
Shan, J., Warton, E. M., Reed, M. E., Vinson, D. R., Kuppermann, N., Dayan, P. S., Dalziel, S. R., Rauchwerger, A. S., & Ballard, D. W. (2022). Computed Tomography Use in Children With Minor Head Trauma Presenting to 21 Community Emergency Departments Within an Integrated Health-Care System. The Permanente Journal, 26(1), 32–37.
Publication Date
Stanbouly, D., Richardson, J., Lee, K. C., Zeng, Q., Perrino, M. A., & Chuang, S.-K. (2022). A Comparison of 2,845 Head and Neck Injuries in Various Martial Arts. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 80(4), 682–690.
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