Growth Plate

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Santos, L., Hsu, H.-Y., Nelson, R. R., Sullivan, B., Shin, J., Fung, M., Lebel, M. R., Jambawalikar, S., & Jaramillo, D. (2024). Impact of Deep Learning Denoising Algorithm on Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Growth Plate on Different Spatial Resolutions. Tomography, 10(4), 504–519.
Publication Date
Santos, L. A., Sullivan, B., Kvist, O., Jambawalikar, S., Mostoufi-Moab, S., Raya, J. M., Nguyen, J., Marin, D., Delgado, J., Tokaria, R., Nelson, R. R., Kammen, B., & Jaramillo, D. (2023). Diffusion tensor imaging of the physis: the ABC’s. Pediatric Radiology, 53(12), 2355–2368.
Publication Date