Retinal Perforations

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4CSV
Jung, J. J., Lim, S. Y., Chan, X., Yee Yeoh, C. H., Smolyar, K., Oribello, A., Dizon, A. G., & Hoang, Q. V. (2024). ULTRA-WIDEFIELD IMAGING DETECTION RATE IN IDENTIFYING PERIPHERAL RETINAL TEARS IN SINGLE VERSUS MONTAGE OF PERIPHERAL STEERING. Retina, 44(3), 406–413.
Publication Date
Chehaibou, I., Tadayoni, R., Hubschman, J.-P., Bottoni, F., Caputo, G., Chang, S., Dell’Omo, R., Figueroa, M. S., Gaudric, A., Haritoglou, C., Kadonosono, K., Leisser, C., Maier, M., Priglinger, S., Rizzo, S., Schumann, R. G., Sebag, J., Stamenkovic, M., Veckeneer, M., & Steel, D. H. (2024). Natural History and Surgical Outcomes of Lamellar Macular Holes. Ophthalmology Retina, 8(3), 210–222.
Publication Date
Richards, P. J., Kulkarni, A. D., Nork, T. M., Leys, M., Hinkle, D., Conlin, K. A., Chang, S., & Chang, J. S. (2023). NONSURGICAL RESOLUTION OF FULL-THICKNESS MACULAR HOLES WITHOUT VITREOMACULAR TRACTION. RETINAL Cases & Brief Reports, 17(5), 584–587.
Publication Date
Cheong, K. X., Xu, L., Ohno-Matsui, K., Sabanayagam, C., Saw, S. M., & Hoang, Q. V. (2022). An evidence-based review of the epidemiology of myopic traction maculopathy. Survey of Ophthalmology, 67(6), 1603–1630.
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